23 December 2010

WikiLeaks Back With New Domain URL

The most controversial website for leaking U.S Documents Wikileaks.org was shutdown before, because it was facing massive cyber attacks. But now Wikileaks came back online with a New Domain URLs.

"WikiLeaks moves to Switzerland," the group declared on Twitter, although an Internet trace of the new domain name suggested that the site itself is still hosted in Sweden and in France.

The original wikileaks.org domain was taken offline at 0300 GMT Friday by its American domain name system provider, EveryDNS.net, following reports of massive attacks on the site.
A WikiLeaks Spokesman has said that Assange had to remain out of the public eye because he had faced assassination threats.

Now you can access Wikileaks on its following New URLs.

  • WikiLeaks.De
  • WikiLeaks.Fi
  • WikiLeaks.Nl
  • WikiLeaks.Ch

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