Everyone seems to be waiting for new Microsoft Surface 2.0 version, now the wait is over, Yesterday Microsoft revealed Surface 2.0, an updated touchscreen display system produced in partnership with Samsung. The 40-inch 1080p display will run Windows 7 on a 2.9GHz AMD Athlon II X2 processor with a Radeon HD 6700M for graphics processing. More significant than the hardware specs though are the changes in two key areas.
The Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface uses a new technology called PixelSense, which can track more than 50 points of contact; the only limitation to PixelSense is the amount of hands you can fit onto the screen. While the original Surface used cameras to detect objects and input, the new design utilizes Microsoft's PixelSense, an infrared sensor system allowing each pixel to recognize colors, shapes, and touch. As demoed, the device can read the text on a piece of paper, presumably allowing it to scan text and pictures directly onto the screen for manipulation.
Microsoft plans on expanding the Surface to developers in the very near future, creating unique and innovating applications for the interactive table.