07 February 2011

Blogger Releases Android Smartphone App

The Google-owned Blogger network has released a free app designed to enable people who have built their blogs on the Blogger platform to easily update them from their Android smartphones.

Unveiled this week, the program lets people bang out copy, and take photos with their phones, from directly inside the app--and then either publish their words and images straightaway or save a draft for later. Posts and drafts can be viewed directly in the app or, by way of a quickly accessible menu, in a browser.

Users can also select their location and include that information with their post, switch between different accounts and blogs, and select photos from their gallery for uploading.
Blogger said it's working on bringing the app to non-Android gadgets as well, but for now the program is available only for Android devices, through the Android Market, which is newly accessible directly on the Web.

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